James M. Tien博士受聘为南航名誉教授



    11月21日,我校举行了授予美国迈阿密大学工学院院长James M. Tien博士为我校名誉教授的仪式。聂宏副校长代表南航授予田教授名誉教授,并发表热情洋溢的讲话,衷心希望James M. Tien教授在决策科学、管理科学、系统科学等领域为南航作出贡献。


    James M. Tien博士感谢南航对他的信任,并表示将和南航一道促进中美校际之间的交流,在学术交流、合作研究、交换学生和教师培训等方面为南航作出贡献。James M. Tien博士在南航的5天时间里,为我校师生举行了《Innovation in Grey Service Systems》、《Real-Time Computational Systems: When Services and Products Become Indistinguishable》 两场学术报告。


Bio. Dr. James M. Tien received the BEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the SM, EE and PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He has held leadership positions at Bell Telephone Laboratories, at the Rand Corporation, and at Structured Decisions Corporation (which he co-founded in 1974).  He joined the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer in 1977, became Acting Chair of the department, joined a unique interdisciplinary Department of Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems as its founding Chair, and twice served as the Acting Dean of Engineering.  Dr. Tien's areas of research interest include the development and application of computer and systems analysis techniques to information and decision systems.  He has published extensively, been invited to present many plenary lectures, and been honored with both teaching and research awards, including being elected a Fellow in IEEE, INFORMS and AAAS and being a recipient of the IEEE Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award, the IEEE Major Educational Innovation Award, the IEEE Norbert Wiener Award, and the IBM Faculty Award. Dr. Tien is also an elected member of the U. S. National Academy of Engineering. jmtien@miami.edu